Added Value Polling
LucidTalk offer the latest Added Value Polling services, now used by many Public and Private sector organisations worldwide. These innovative polling methods and tools provide not only provide powerful, quality, and detailed market research, but also combine this, if applicable, with market and sales generation, promotion of market awareness, and general market promotion and publicity.
Active Participation Polling (APP) is applicable to targeted groups who have a high or 'active' interest in a specific topic/issue, or a set of topics and issues. For example, this particularly applies to groups who are engaged in a specific activity as a career eg Teachers - researching views on education issues, Doctors/Nurses - researching views on medical service delivery, etc. It usually involves a mixture of Micro-Polling and other direct Face-to-Face research eg Focus Groups, thus gaining a good set fo Quantitative and Qualitative data related to the topics being researched.