LT NI Opinion Panel 'Tracker' Poll – How is NI going to vote in the European Election on 23rd May 2019
LucidTalk run regular Northern Ireland (NI) Opinion Panel 'Tracker Polls' to constantly gauge and estimate NI public opinion on a wide range of issues e.g. politics, business, consumer, lifestyle etc. Here we present the report from our May 2019 NI-Wide Opinion Panel Tracker Poll – which researched NI representative opinions and views on voting intention for the NI European Election on 23rd May 2019. In addition, opinions and views were researched regarding the current Stormont talks. This poll-project was run on behalf of the TIMES newspaper, and U105 radio. The results were published in the TIMES and covered on U105 radio – see below for links to the coverage. The polls are regular 'Tracker' polls of the established LT Northern Ireland Opinion Panel (now over 12,000 members). The LucidTalk Opinion Panel consists of Northern Ireland residents (age 18+) and is balanced by gender, age-group, area of residence, and community background, in order to be demographically representative of Northern Ireland. For this May 2019 NI Tracker poll-project our NI-Wide and representative Opinion Panel was targeted, and invited to participate, and 2,107 full responses were received. LT then constructed a NI representative 1,405 sample of responses which were used to determine the final results (researched and weighted to be a balanced, robust, and accurate sample of NI opinion). MAY 2019 NI Opinion Panel 'Tracker' Poll - Full Results Report: CLICK HERE
(includes results from 2nd LT NI European Election Poll (Poll 2) - Poll Period: 18th-19th May)
Polling was carried out by Belfast based polling and market research company LucidTalk. The project was carried out online over a period of four days from 4th to 7th May 2019. The project targeted the established LucidTalk NI-Wide Opinion Panel (12,047 members) which is balanced by gender, age-group, area of residence, and community background, in order to be demographically representative of Northern Ireland(NI). 1,405 full responses were considered in terms of the final results, and a data auditing process ensured all completed poll-surveys were genuine 'one-person, one-vote' responses, and the base data-results were weighted to all the major NI demographics, to ensure a robust NI representative sample of opinion. This 1,405 responses dataset was/is a demographically representative sample of Northern Ireland - producing results representative of NI Opinion to within an error of +/-2.6% at 95% confidence. See enclosed reports for more information regarding project methodology. MAY 2019 NI Opinion Panel 'Tracker' Poll - For the Poll-Project Data-Tables results report: CLICK HERE (will appear at bottom left in excel/csv format)
Media Coverage
Poll-Results review and analysis of the NI European Election (by Colette Sexton) in the TIMES – Ireland (13/5/19): CLICK HERE
Poll-Results review and analysis of the NI Stormont Talks (by Colette Sexton) in the TIMES – Ireland (13/5/19): CLICK HERE
RADIO INTERVIEW: LT was on U105 radio on Monday (13th May 2019) reviewing the results from this poll-project – to listen to the interview and discussion – please:
The poll results from this LT poll project are also reported and reviewed in the FINANCIAL TIMES EU Poll Tracker: CLICK HERE
Poll-Results review and analysis (by James McMordie) on the NORTHERN SLANT website: CLICK HERE
Poll-Results coverage in the GUARDIAN newspaper political blog: CLICK HERE (coverage is 1/2 way down)
For any queries, or for further information, please contact LucidTalk: info@lucidtalk.co.uk