LucidTalk were recently commissioned by an Edinburgh based political consultancy to carry out NI research regarding how the NHS as an issue would impact (if at all) a NI Border Poll.
This was a client commissioned poll carried out by LucidTalk Limited in accordance with the professional standards and regulations as directed and laid down by the UK and Ireland polling and market research professional organisations: See LucidTalk - Professional Credentials below. All poll questions were proposed by the client, - however, and as always with client commissioned projects, LucidTalk worked with the client to endeavour to agree on poll questions that were, as far as possible, neutral and balanced, within the context of the client’s project objectives. All data results belong to the client, and as such any inquiries regarding this poll-project, the poll-project results, press and media coverage of the poll-project, should be made directly to the client – LucidTalk can provide contact details if required.
In accordance with British Polling Council (BPC) and IPSO (Independent Press Standards Organisation) rules and regulations we enclose here the full data-table results covering the poll result(s) that the client has already published, and have entered the public domain:
CLICK HERE - (may appear at bottom left in excel/csv format).
..and here is the main results graphic from the project:
(a) POLL QUESTION: If a consequence of leaving the UK and reunifying Ireland is the loss of the NHS free at the point of delivery it would... : CLICK HERE
Media Coverage
Poll-Results review and analysis in the BELFAST TELEGRAPH
– NHS and a Border Poll: CLICK HERE
Poll-Results review and analysis in the BELFAST TELEGRAPH
– Editorial Viewpoint: CLICK HERE
Poll-Results review and analysis in the BELFAST TELEGRAPH
– Young people and a Border Poll: CLICK HERE
Poll-Results review and analysis in the IRISH NEWS
– NHS and a Border Poll: CLICK HERE
LucidTalk - Professional Credentials: LucidTalk (LT) is a member of the British Polling Council (BPC), and ESOMAR (European Society of Market Research organisations). The BPC are the primary UK professional body ensuring professional Polling and Market Research standards. All LT polling, research, sampling, methodologies used, market research projects and results and reports production are, and have been, carried out to the professional standards laid down by the BPC and AIMRO (Association of Irish Market Research Organisations).
LucidTalk is a member of The British Polling Council and abides by its rules: http://www.britishpollingcouncil.org
For further information, please contact: Bill White at LucidTalk: 07711 450545 - Email: bill.white@lucidtalk.co.uk