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LT Electorate Connect

LucidTalk ‘Electorate Connect’ is a specifically designed package of LucidTalk services (including polling), aimed at researching opinion, and in addition, informing a local community or targeted audience about specific political issues or subjects. It is a pro-active form of polling and market research, combining accurate researching of opinion, whilst enhancing the knowledge of, and informing the local community about, the factors and issues relating to specific political issues. This enhances the understanding within e.g. a geographic political constituency, and/or a specific political grouping about key political issues, and opinions, relating to a specific subject topic e.g. educational services, health etc. Each ‘Electorate Connect’ project is individually designed for each project, and comprises:

a) A Pre-Project monitor Poll - carried out before any of the main community interaction projects highlighted in (b), (c), and (d) below take place.
b) Focus groups – in-depth research with 10-15 invited participants.
c) Public Interaction events - larger ‘open to the public’ and/or ‘invited audience’ type events.
d) One-to-One ‘Deep’ Interviews - direct, detailed interviews, with key individuals connected with the targeted community. These individuals would usually have expertise in, and/or a deep interest in, issues related to the targeted subject and could be e.g. community leaders, elected representatives, business leaders etc.
e) Interest Group ‘Deep’ Interviews - direct, detailed interviews, with small groups (5-8) who usually have expertise in, or a deep interest in, issues related to the targeted subject.
f) A Post-Project monitor Poll - similar in structure to the pre-project monitor Poll, carried out after all of the main community interaction projects highlighted in (b), (c), and (d) above have taken place. The key aim of this Post-Project monitor Poll is to compare to the Pre-Project Monitor Poll and thus obtain a measured ‘before’ and ‘after’ view of opinion.

LUCIDTALK – Project Deliverables

The LucidTalk Community Connect project deliverables, will include:

Full Quantitative and Qualitative analysis + Full Ongoing Reporting

Recorded comments: Made by poll participants during the poll project - Qualitative Analysis.

Ongoing and final reports: Which will include data tables, statistical analysis, summary and outline of approach, commentary, and a full report of all the collated results and data. Senior Management presentation: Which will include a ‘high level’ report on the key poll- project results, plus management level interpretation, commentary and analysis of results.

Option of Two (2) Half-day Training workshops: Apart from the normal liaison meetings, and project progress and review meetings, LucidTalk offer pre-project and post-project workshops. Pre-project workshops include: Survey design, approach, and methodology.
Post-project workshops include: presentation of the final report(s), in-depth results, ‘drill-down’, and cross-reference analyses.

Full and ongoing training, advisory, and consultancy services: LucidTalk offer full support in terms of presentation, marketing, and promotion of poll-project results and conclusions to e.g. general public, key stakeholder groups, public representatives, and media outlets.

For further details and information about Community Connects, and/or the range of LucidTalk Polling and Market Research Services, please contact us

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