Added Value Polling
LucidTalk offer the latest Added Value Polling services, now used by many Public and Private sector organisations worldwide. These innovative polling methods and tools provide not only provide powerful, quality, and detailed market research, but also combine this, if applicable, with market and sales generation, promotion of market awareness, and general market promotion and publicity.
Use of IT and Internet Technologies is increasing rapidly, and the penetration and use of the Internet is now widespread in Northern Ireland - with practically everyone from 9years to 90years having an email address, and over 75% of NI adults owning and/or using a smartphone. LucidTalk Polling Projects allow the facility for participants to complete a poll-survey online in a secure environment, using unique identifiers. LucidTalk have an established representative online NI Opinion Panel of NI citizens (now over 10,000 members) who have registered with LT to participate in LT's regular market research and polling projects - this is a unique and powerful resource which can be used for any LT client project. See: LucidTalk Opinion Panel Polling.
Many LucidTalk Polling Projects use a mixture all polling communication channels, including Direct Door-to-Door, Telephone, and Confidential Direct Mail, i.e. as well as Internet. This approach in terms of using a ‘mixture’ of Communication channels ensures that Polling Projects produce the highest possible accuracy in the results, and projects which will fairly represent the targeted polling group.